The Rat Squeaks

Creation 'n' Lil' me

Divider by StrangerGraphics on Tumblr Divider by StrangerGraphics on Tumblr I hope people care about the things I make the same way I care about things other people make, sometimes. Making things for myself, but wanting people to like the things I like, too.
It's isolating to make so earnestly and go unseen for It sometimes; but at the same time that's a big part of what creation Is anyway. I like being alone In my creations, despite how much shit it seems like I've made and shared there's 100's of creations I've made for my own eyes and loved it for being just for me.

I'm worth the privacy I make for myself, and I'm worth being seen for what I share. I don't think anything I've done creationaly is "cringe" or "bad", because had I not fallen In love with being able to make, I wouldn't be here.
So, like, yes, sometimes I fight the stuff little me made because compared to who I am now, they're on the moon and I'm on the sun; but what Is comparison If not the diminishing of the beauty in individuality.

They fought really hard to be who I am today. I struggle to see me as a child as me as a who I am now, and I think that's not a bad nor good thing. It's just a perspective of identity influenced by what living life does to a human, I guess. Divider by StrangerGraphics on Tumblr Divider by StrangerGraphics on Tumblr
